Social Media Advertising

Generate and capture demand through social ads

Marketing to an audience that isn’t specifically looking for a solution can be challenging. With well executed social media ads, you can get your audience to want your product or service.

Fast forward your growth ➤ Fast forward your growth
➤ Fast forward your growth ➤ Fast forward your growth

Don’t believe us yet, we’ve just met

Perfomato has guided our team in the startup process. They have a keen eye for short-term priorities and long-term business impact. They dares to challenge us, are strong communicators and know how to align stakeholders through their vision. Besides this, they were valuable discussion partners for several managerial topics.

Brand Director , Suresy

I have worked with Michel from Perfomato for over one and a half years. He helped us by adopting and implementing growth hacking. I have found his calm and clear attitude great to work with. They have knowledge of sales, marketing and product, which helps them truly understand the challenges of our business. Through their open attitude and sense of humor we have set some great first results. After the project ended, we still maintained the way of working and are still growth hacking!

Marketing Manager, XpertHR


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Which advertising channels are included?

Anything that is required for your success. We work with a team that contains experts in LinkedIn ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, X (Twitter) ads and alternative channels. Our goal is to help you find out what works best for your business, and then perform really well on those channels.

What kind of ROI should I expect from social ads?

We always aim to go above 300% ROI, also referred to as ROAS by advertisers. For every industry there are specific benchmarks that we always aim to beat. On average we get 400% ROAS for our clients, ranging from 200% to 1600%.

How much advertising budget do I need?

The complex answer is one of those “it-depends” kind of things. But in practice, spending over 1k per month is a minimum requirement to build and improve great campaigns. At Perfomato we are specialized in budgets between 5k and 50k per month, but handle any budget between 2k and 200k per month.

What happens after setup is done?

We have found that most of the time it takes a bit of time to get great ROAS on your campaigns. On average we break even during month 2 and start getting a really great ROAS in the third month. From there on out, we continuously improve existing campaigns, add new campaigns and ads. We don’t stop learning for you, ever.

Do social ads take a long time to get results?

You will experience some results in the short term, but there is a long term benefit as well. The best ROI's happen after a period of experimentation and optimization. If you would just post organic social media content it would take quite a while to gain traction. Social ads allow you to still build the brand for the long term, while also getting short term benefits of placing your campaigns in front of your audience.

Do you also improve my landing pages?

By default we don’t build new landing pages for you in this service, but this is available as an addon. In fact, if you need to fill up multiple marketing functions, we can provide help in a larger scope of the field of marketing and growth hacking.

Is social advertising the same as demand generation?

There is a relation between demand generation and social media advertising, but it’s not the same thing. Demand generation is a more broad term, which involves a lot more brand building and organic content creation. With social ads you combine lead generation and demand generation into one, giving you both short- and long term benefits.

Want to see if social ads would work for you?

We’re happy to answer any questions or help you find your path forward in paid marketing.

Contact us

Let’s talk about social media advertising

We’d love to have a quick call to discuss how we can help you solve your marketing challenges through social media ads. The call takes 30 minutes, is free and comes with at least 3 social ads ideas you can apply right away. Smiles and insights are included.